Rondoplex Repair Kit

Rondoplex plywood repairing spots are used for repair and regeneration of film – coveredshutterings, large -surfaced shutterings and frame shutterings.With rondoplex you canrepair damages of the surface of shutterings such as scratches, impression marks, drillingholes and cuts easily, quick and at low cost. This helps you reusing your shuttering.

Repair damaged Shutterings in 5 Easy Steps

Clean Damaged Area

Before repairing the damaged spots, the shuttering has to be cleaned of debris and concrete with the appropriate tools.

Adjust drilling depth of Router

The drill or router fitted with a rondo HM switchblade cylinderhead drill has to be adjusted to cutting depth for the rondoplex plywood repairing spots. Test depth setting on unused shuttering first.

Drill into Surfafce

Having positioned the router on the damaged area, turn it on and apply light pressure. Blow away shavings and dust

Apply Rondoglue

Apply glue sparingly near the inner walls and center of the drilled area.

Insert Rondodisc

Insert a rondoplex-plywood repair disc into the hole